By Nicholas Stix Updated at 4:52 a.m., on December 27, 2009.
Wikipedia, or as I call it, The Pretend Encyclopedia (TPE), has for years been a libel factory dominated by leftwing frauds, who fill its entries on controversial subjects with lies, while immediately censoring the occasional truth that might find its way in, and whitelisting the truthteller. The people who insert the lies and remove the truths are called “editors”; Wik founder and guru, James “Jimmy” Wales, insists that it is “the encyclopedia anyone can edit.”
A businesswoman smeared by an anonymous contributor to Wikipedia has won a landmark legal battle to have her accuser unmasked.
The victim had 'confidential and sensitive' details about her professional life and her child written into her page on the online encyclopaedia.
She also received anonymous threatening letters suggesting her accuser would reveal information to the press.
The businesswoman's identity is secret by order of the court but is thought to be wellknown in business circles.
Now the website has been ordered to hand over technical information to help track down the blackmailer.
The case is the latest example of Wikipedia - which has 325million visitors a month and can be edited by anyone - being used for malicious or mischievous ends.
Mr Justice Tugendhat said in his judgment at the High Court: 'In ordinary language, the mother believes that she is the subject of an attempt at blackmail. On the information before the court, she has reason to believe that.'
The amendments made to the woman's entry involved information about her professional expenses claims and details about her child which the judge did not reveal….
For more on The Pretend Encyclopedia, read my American Renaissance exposé, “Wikipedia on Race.”
A tip ‘o the hat to the longtime reader who sent me this story at the time.
Retired Seattleite James Paroline, 60, a Vietnam veteran, was murdered last July by Keith David Brown, then 28.
On the evening of July 9, Paroline was watering the traffic circle garden at the intersection of 61st Avenue South and South Cooper Street, in Seattle’s Rainier Beach area, just as he did every day.
The garden had only recently been built by the city, after years of prodding by Paroline, who took it upon himself to do that sort of thing. Paroline placed the cones to keep his water hose from getting crushed, and presumably to protect himself from getting crushed, as well. The cones forced drivers to pass by the entrance to the intersection, and enter after the traffic circle.
Instead of doing that, a group of young black women and girls stopped their two cars, blocking traffic, and began harassing Paroline, trying to throw away his cones and, after he responded by splashing them with water, getting in his face and screaming at, and throwing a water jug at him. Then one of them called Brown, the career criminal-boyfriend of one of the girls’ sisters, who quickly drove to the traffic circle, and murdered Paroline with a sucker punch.
For the rest of the story, as the recently departed Paul Harvey, may he rest in peace, would have said, please turn to my American Renaissance exclusive, “Three Race Murders in Seattle,” on the racially motivated murders of Paroline and his fellow Seattlites, Kristopher Kime (during the 2001 Mardi Gras black race riot) and “the Tuba Man,” Edward Scott McMichael.
Although an entry was up at Wikipedia/The Pretend Encyclopedia (TPE) about Oscar Grant, the felon who was shot to death in the wee hours of New Year’s Day on an Oakland subway platform by BART policeman Johannes Mehserle less than five days after Grant’s death, and Google just returned 1,020,000 hits for “Oscar Grant shooting”; eight months after James Paroline’s murder, you won’t find any TPE entry devoted to, or so much as mentioning him, and his name returns a paltry 1,770 hits at Google, including references to my article.
And that is not at all surprising, in this day and age. After all, by TPE’s politically correct standards, there are four reasons not to have an entry on Paroline’s death: 1. Paroline is a dead white guy, so his life had no value; 2. Paroline was a Vietnam vet which, except for traitors and con men, is yet another invisible demographic to TPE’s leftwing enforcers; 3. He was a law-abiding citizen, which is so bor-ing; and 4. He was murdered by a black man, something that the lefties at TPE want no whites to know about. By contrast, those same lefties found the Grant shooting worthy of an entry, because: 1. Grant was black, his life thus intrinsically more valuable than James Paroline’s; 2. Grant was a felon, and thus an object of sympathy; and 3. Grant was shot to death by a white policeman, which made his life politically of use.
Will someone please post an article on James Paroline at TPE? Attention must be paid!
This entry, which has not been touched since November 15, 2008, is supposedly about the Chicago Bears, whose historic nickname, going back to circa 1940, is “the Monsters of the Midway,” although that name has only been used when the team was dominant. In the third paragraph however, the entry gets kidnapped, and taken away to the Wikipedia Zone:
The team, which has now become the NFL's Arizona Cardinals, was originally the Racine Normals (named for the street on the South Side of Chicago where they played; the team eventually became the Chicago Cardinals), received their first uniforms as hand-me-downs from the University of Chicago. The faded maroon was fancied by the club's president to be a "cardinal" red color, so the team adopted "Cardinals" as its nickname. Through the years, the Cardinals were typically overshadowed by the Bears. Had the Chicago Cardinals enjoyed the success of their crosstown rivals, perhaps they would have inherited the nickname "Monsters" from the Maroons and not just their jerseys.
There is no rhyme or reason for the above paragraph, which does not fit at all into what precedes or follows it. But that’s The Pretend Encyclopedia for you: No rhyme or reason.
The “Monsters of the Midway” entry also honors another uniquely Wikipedian tradition, that of “editors” making entries worse over time. Until November 15, 2008, the opening paragraph read thusly:
The "Monsters of the Midway" is most widely known as the nickname for the National Football League's Chicago Bears — particularly the dominant teams of 1940 and 1941. The name underwent something of a revival when the 1985 edition of the Bears proved to be similarly dominant.
Similarly, the fourth paragraph began:
The popularity of "Monsters of the Midway" was revived by the dominant Chicago Bears defense of 1985.
Unlike hundreds of thousands of TPE/WP entries, these were perfectly serviceable paragraphs, written in clean, proper English. And that is exactly what made them unacceptable to editor “,” who felt compelled, on November 15, to improvilate them:
The "Monsters of the Midway" is most widely known as the nickname for the National Football League's Chicago Bears — particularly the dominant teams of 1940 and 1941. The name underwent something of a renewal when the 1985 edition of the Bears proved to be similarly dominant….
The popularity of "Monsters of the Midway" was renewed by the dominant Chicago Bears defense of 1985.
“Renewal”? “Renewed”? Gimme a break!
As “’s” talk page shows, she/he/it (s/h/it, for short) already had a history of improvilating entries.
By the way, “improvilate” is not a word in the English, or to my knowledge, any other language. I just thought that a properly improper term should be coined, in order to do justice to the pixilated practices of so many thousands of Pretend Encyclopedia/Wikipedia “editors.”
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I am a dissident journalist, whose work has been published in dozens of daily newspapers, magazines, and journals in English, German, and Swedish, under my own name and many pseudonyms. While living in internal exile in New York, where I am whitelisted, I maintain NSU/The Wyatt Earp Journalism Bureau and some eight other blogs (some are distinctive but occasional venues, while others are mirrors), and also write for stout-hearted men such as Peter Brimelow and Jared Taylor. Please hit the “Donate” button on your way out. Thanks, in advance.
Follow my tweets at @NicholasStix.